College Counseling is a cornerstone of Pacific Academy Encinitas. Our college counseling program empowers students to reach their best-match college or university through highly individualized one-on-one counseling. Students receive support from the start of their freshmen year. It's not in a vacuum either. Pacific Academy's college counselor meets with Students and their families, one-on-one to discuss the pathway to college. PAE’s individualized college counseling for all students results in our unprecedented 100% college acceptance rate.
From searching for colleges and completing applications, to writing personal statements, finding scholarships, and finally choosing which school to accept, college counselors at Pacific Academy Encinitas support students through every step of the way to their ideal post-secondary school academic home.
Extending from introducing counselors and supporting each student in their Freshman year, Sophomores and their families meet one-on-one with the college counselor to more finely hone the student’s individualized pathway to college and to help students set college goals. From that point on, Sophomores continue to meet monthly with the college counselor.
In the student's Junior year, the student and their family again meet one-on-one with the college counselor to continuing discussion of the student’s pathway to college and to narrow down the college selection. A College Night in Spring of Junior year also informs families what to anticipate the upcoming year and how to best prepare. Each month, Juniors continue to meet individually with their college counselor.
Senior year may seem eons away when a student arrives to Pacific Academy Encinitas, but time zips by and before long, PAE Seniors are only a year from wearing a cap and gown. At Pacific Academy Encinitas, Seniors meet with the college counselor weekly until all applications are submitted. As well, students receive individualized guidance and edits on their personal statements. In the Spring, students meet with the counselor to discuss college acceptances and for assistance with completing acceptance documents to the school which the student has committed.
From college fairs on campus at Pacific Academy Encinitas with admissions officers from universities across the country to individual meetings with college admissions officers to give feedback on personal statements, PAE offers a wide array of opportunities for students to successfully walk the path to college. In addition, Pacific Academy Encinitas offers guided college tours each year to a range of schools across the country.
Further, through the comprehensive college counseling program, students are supported in getting involved in the community, securing internships, volunteering, and becoming leaders in clubs and activities.